Fursan al-Aqsa is at RISK + Operation al-Aqsa Flood Update

Trailer in MP4 HD 4K Quality (Youtube deleted Fursan al-Aqsa Channel):


Hello dear friends and supporters. Fursan al-Aqsa, the most BASED indie game of all times is at RISK of being banned, and I am sure that after this last update, Operation al-Aqsa Flood, this risk is even greater!!!


Recently I received an email from Valve Staff informing that my game was blocked in UK due a request from official authorities. What it means is that Steam needs to obey the laws of each country, and whenever there is an official request from any country, Valve will block access to my game there on Steam.

Until now my game is blocked in Germany, Australia and UK. But the reason of this ban of my game in the UK is different from Germany and Australia (which was just because the lack of an Official Age Rating Request, and me not willing to pay them for getting this Age Rating and having a great risk of my game not getting approval at all and just wasting this money). The ban in UK is indeed because of my game's political statement on the Palestine x Israel conflict. The request to block my game in UK came from the Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit (CTIRU). So this is clear that UK authorities consider my game as "terrorist" propaganda. Here follows the emails valve sent to me:



What that means? It means that at any time, any other authority from any country may consider Fursan al-Aqsa as "terrorist" propaganda and request from Steam do apply a region block. So, could USA be the next country to ban Fursan al-Aqsa? Yes, it can happen! And if such thing happens, there will be nothing to do about it, unfortunately. And what to do now? My sincere counseilling for those who have my game on their whishlist, is to buy Fursan al-Aqsa as soon as possible, because, even if my game gets banned from Steam, it will be still available on your Steam library. Last, but not least, about the update itself, Operation al-Aqsa Flood, allows you to relive the iconic day on which the brave Palestinian Resistance humiliated Israeli Military Forces. I will not reveal too much about this mission, I prefer to let you discover by yourself. Enjoy!

Get Fursan al-Aqsa: The Knights of the Al-Aqsa Mosque®


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salaam! Is there any way this game could be released for iOS?

I am unable to buy this game from steam in the Netherlands, is it possible to buy it somewhere else


Hello my friend. Thanks for your support. Yes, buy from Gamejolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/fursan-al-aqsa-knights-of-al-aqsa-mosque/573682

Thank you for your reply 🙏🙏 And thank you for making this masterpiece 💪💯 Palestine will be free inshallah

In sha Allah